Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What's Wrong with the World?

Last night while flipping through channels my wife and I stopped to watch a little bit of news.  First was a person who was shot and killed while walking by a bar.  He wasn't a part of the argument inside that led to the violence.  He wasn't even inside the bar.  Just walking by.

There was another murder that was addressed, but to be honest, I don't remember much about it.  Because what they said next chilled me to my bones and made me change the channel.  It was a mother who killer her child.  The mother decapidated her.

My words were: What the h--- is wrong with the world?  I apologize for the language, but I was so shocked.  Of course, I know what's wrong with the world: sin.

This morning we woke up and began remembering that 11 years ago there were a few people who spread hate by turning passenger planes into bombs.  Hate.  Pure hate.

We all have sinned and fall short of the glory, but some sins just leave you devestated and confused.

Today, while surging through YouTube, I was led to this video of a 1958 Billy Graham crusade.  Titled "What is Wrong with the World?", there is no way this wasn't a coincidence.

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