Tuesday, February 10, 2009

2:00am Budgeting

So life hasn't really slowed down much lately like I was hoping it would after that consisted of mid-trimester grades being due and taking the GRE. I will allow the fact that I am typing this entry at 2am on a Tuesday morning serve as a testimony to that.

I don't know if you were aware of this, but Jesus talked a lot about money. "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's." "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." Then of course there's the time he overturned the tables in the temple because of the merchants. And what about the time he has Peter catch a fish that has money in it to pay both of their taxes? Then there is my favorite about money: "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

I really need to meditate on His words. I want to go to grad school in the fall. Financially, it shouldn't be too difficult if I can get a grad assistantship. Otherwise, I don't know what I'll do. But I just spent a couple hours balancing my checkbook, looking over my savings account, and then figuring out how to pay my bills. I took some time to look over my credit card bill, which is ridiculous. I can't believe how much I spend and how quickly it all adds up. Really, it's embarrassing: tons of music, eating out at restaurants constantly, iTunes, books, etc. Now, I never pay cash, so all I pay for gas is on there too, which is a lot considering I drive about two hours a day between jobs and home. Still, it's ridiculous.

So my prayer for myself is to become a better steward with my money. Hopefully I'll be able to develop a budget to work with. I really should talk to my dad about it. He's amazing with all that stuff.

Anyway, work should be a cake this week. Tuesday is a doctor's appointment with the whole blood sugar thing, so we'll see how that goes. Then, of course, Thursday I turn 25. I think I'll probably post again before then, or maybe on my birthday and talk about how old I feel. I'll also put up my list of things to do before I'm 30. I'm going to be down to only five years to get it all done. Crazy.

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